Saturday, July 17, 2010

What I do as a missionary.

Here is an example of a chat that i had not too long ago. This is just a part of the chat. The name was taken to protect identity.

Me: Hey There.

Investigator: Hi, how are you?

Me: I’m great, thanks. How are you?

Investigator: Im good thanks.

Investigator: I have some questions, starting with what I read from the Bible earlier.

Me: Okay.

Investigator: Is anyone of you sick? He should call upon the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with the oil in the name of the Lord

Investigator: i dont really understand the last part anoint with oil

Investigator: does elders mean missionaries? Since you are called elder?

Me: Yes, we use olive oil for blessings for the sick.

Investigator: really? you actually put it on people?

Me: Just a drop.

Investigator: oh

Me: on the top of their head.

Investigator: does it work?

Investigator: it makes them better?

Me: yes, it works according to their faith.

Investigator: oh, like the more they believe the more it works?

Me: If they believe, it will work, but if they doubt that it won’t work, then it probably won’t work.

Me: (believe that God will heal them)

Investigator: God can heal people?

Me: Yes, He has all power.

Investigator: oh my goodness i didnt know that!!

Investigator: can he heal me?

Me: See, you learn something new every day :) yes, He can heal you.

Investigator: can i anoint myself?

Me: No, only someone holding the authority can do that.

Investigator: oh

Investigator: can he heal my ribs?

Investigator: if i ask?

Me: Yes. If you ask God when you pray, He will help you heal.

Investigator: i didnt know i could ask him stuff like that

Me: He loves you and wants you to talk to Him.

Me: You can talk to Him any time that you need.

Investigator: ok


  1. Whoa, I don't think I'd have thought to use a cool chat as a blog post on my own.

  2. Yes, I think that this is a good idea (as long as you are careful to preserve someone's privacy). It would be easier to follow if you could make each person chatting either a different font or color or something, perhaps.
